Beautifully Alike

September 23, 2009
Jody Palmer or Milla Jovovich on Maxim September's Cover?


"Okay, so I just went for a walk and saw this cover of Maxim at the newsstand. It's the September issue of Maxim and looks just like Jody Palmer! I had to do a double take because I thought it was her. Anyway, I just thought I'd post it here for ya to see. I know she's the September 2009 Maxim Magazine calendar girl...I really thought it was her! Funny."




Model Jody Palmer: she has what it takes to be a Model

January 20, 2009

According to Wikipedia, a model is a person who is posed or displayed for the purpose of art, fashion, or other products and advertising.

Modeling is distinguished from other types of public performance, such as acting, dancing or mime artistry, although the boundary is not well defined. Appearing in a movie or a play is generally not considered to be modeling, regardless of the nature of the role. However, models generally have to express emotion in their photographs, and since modeling...

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About Me

khat I am an SEO Specialist, what I do is to optimize web site's contents, on page and off page optimization. I love reading books especially chicken soup for the soul and about vampires. I am also into collection of music albums, of course my favorite bands only and I'll post it here one by one.

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